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Goodbye Summer of Community, Hello Fall

Pastor Phil Cooley Last Sunday marked the end of Summer of Community.  What a blessing it was, each Sunday, to come together for a time of fellowship and service.  For me, the community breakfast and the combined service with Emmanuel Armenian Church were the highlights of the summer. Based on the feedback we got, it was clear that many others felt the same way. We will plan a repeat of those events. With Summer of Community in our rear-view mirror (why can’t the 

summer temperatures be so as well?), we look ahead to the fall.

In the fall we will continue to focus on building deeper relationships among the Cordova Neighborhood family.  In September we invite you to our 9:30 fellowship hour in Rudat Hall.  Come for coffee and donuts, stay for the good conversation.  Beginning in October, our Sunday morning small groups will resume meeting.   Small groups are an excellent opportunity to get to know one another and the Bible better. Don’t miss out!

In addition to those scheduled events, I am excited to share with you a project that our youth are developing.  Our youth worship team members are putting together a worship night to raise funds for our worship ministry.  It is so exciting to see their enthusiasm and desire to give back at work.  I know that you will greatly enjoy what they are planning.

As you can see, cooler weather is not the only think to get excited about this fall.  

For now we say “Goodbye Summer of Community, Hello Fall

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